Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 June 2009

Programming, something that I enjoy playing around with. When setting up my WOD schedule; I review my previous training logs, look at totals/times/weights and then what events I have in the near future (60 days). With this data I then put together a plan for the next four weeks that will address any deficiencies and maintain my high level of general physical preparedness. For the next few weeks I am experimenting with a program that mix matches rest days and incorporates strength WODS, CF WODS, and CFE WODS. The flow goes something like this:

CF- 2 days on 1 day off for the first 2 weeks
3 days on 1 day off/ 2 days on 1 day off for the last 2 weeks
CFE- 3 days on 1 day off
Strength- at least 2 days but never more than 3 days per week separated by at least one day.
*NOTE* I started these WODS on different days so they are never matched on the same day

I have been following this for for about a week now and it is pushing me pretty hard. The recovery time is short and not typically a full day, but it is allowing me to fit the most work in the least amount of time possible. One other important note is that most all of my CF WODS are designed to be sub 12 min and the CFE WODS are never longer that 45 min. I will be interested to see if I can continue to recover from this programming. I'll keep everyone updated. Post your thoughts, ideas, suggestions to the comments section.


45 min Best Effort
(I am going to run this afternoon) I'll post my completed distance this evening.
I dont have an exact distance because I ran a green way route, but the random mileage posts that I was passing put me at about 7:30 minute miles. I ran out 23 Minutes and made it back to my original starting point in 42 minutes and some change. I continued to run for the additional 3 minutes and finished at the planned 45. I felt good, I ran back harder, faster, and just as efficient as I ran out.


  1. i've been curious about your recovery with your schedule at high intensity. definitely keep us updated on that aspect of your training. how many hours of sleep do you get? do you do anything special to speed up recovery?

    are you training for something right now?

  2. Recovery is going pretty good. I eat really strict and get at least 7 hr of sleep a night. I rely severely on the foam roller and carry a rolling pin everywhere I go. As for events, I have the Leadville Marathon in CO on July 11 and an adventure race July 25th. I dont think I will sustain this high of a volume for much longer than the weekend of the 4th of July. I try to plan out four to eight weeks in advance. I take into account short term training goals, events and address any shortcomings. August and September will probably stay pretty focused on improvement across the board, but will definitely have 2 weeks of lighter workouts. I'll keep you updated.
