Sunday, June 14, 2009

14 June 2009


4 rds of:
30 Overhead lunge steps with a 45# Plate
15 Thrusters 95#
15 Pull ups
400m Sprint

I completed this one that I coined "Fran Improvement" in 19:42. It is a good Sunday workout that will get your heart pumping pretty good.

Today I was thinking of WODS and in particular the scaling.....with Crossfit, scaling is necessary to accommodate all levels of fitness. When you look at a workout you should first have an idea in your head of the time you can finish it, then decide what you are trying to accomplish from the workout. If the workout is designed to be a sub 10 minute METCON, but the Rx'd weight is 90% of your 1 Rep Max, is this workout going to give you a METCON Response? Make sure you have an idea and understand the purpose of your workouts before you give it a 3,2,1,GO. You can scale weight, reps, or if you have to the exercise. I bring this up because the effect of a Rx'd Fran at 3:30 and an Rx'd Fran at 11:00 is totally different. Am I saying that you should never tackle the Rx'd weight; no I am saying that you should understand and work for a desired response. Never plan for sustained work (day after day) in one energy pathway, vary everything imaginable and improve your weakness's.


  1. Kurt gave me this scaled version of todays WOD to do.
    5 Rounds
    45# plate Over Head walking lunge 30 steps
    21 thrusters 45#
    21 Sit-ups
    I completed it in 11:25 By the time I got to my 4th round my form on my lunges started to get a little sloppy, next time im going to do the same weight for the lunges and work on my form but increase my thrusters weight. Even though I didn't have the sprint in there this workout still got my heart pumping.

