Monday, July 20, 2009

20 July 2009


4 Rds for Time:

5 Deadlift 275#
5 Overhead Squats 135#
5 Snatch Grip Push Press 135#
20 Glute Ham Sit Ups
20 Double Unders

Time: 11:21


5 min Sprint
2 min Jog
6 min Sprint
3 min Jog
7 Min Sprint
1 min Jog
2 Min Sprint

July 19 WOD

400m Sprint
25 Back rest straight into the below

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of the below triple
32" Box Jumps
115# Clean and Jerk
Chest to Bar Pull rest straight into the below

25 Glute Ham Sit ups
400m Sprint

Time: 21:02

Friday, July 17, 2009

17 July 2009 "Heavy Fran"

Today the WOD is Heavy Fran.......previous PR was 11:38, wanted to be sub 10:00


"Heavy Fran"


135# Thruster
40# Pull Up


Was pretty happy, with a little different approach on the pull ups (not chaining a KB around my waist) I could get this down even more. I like this workout a lot! The Fran feeling with a little weight for good measure. It's gonna be a good day.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 July 2009

Today was a rest day for Crossfit. Tomorrow my home gym, Ultimate Crossfit, is doing Fran......I'm pumped! Watching all our athletes go at it will motivate me to PR Heavy Fran. I am trying to keep 80% of my training between the 5-15 min range and therefore am not going to hit regular Fran but attack Heavy Fran. My goal is sub 10:00. Today I rode mountain bikes at the Whitewater center for about 2.5 hrs. If your ever in the Charlotte NC area you should definitely check that place out. Good times. Thats all for now, going to be early I think tomorrow is going to be a special day! Closing with a few words of wisdom from the big man himself Big Black.....Tomorrow I'm gonna

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

15 July 2009

AM Row Intervals:
6 X 500m Intervals with 2 min rest

3 Minute set at the bottom of the squat. I rowed on level 5, hate it.....I like to pull 8-10 on the damper setting. With the lighter setting my stroke count had to increase instead of the force put on the rower. This was found out on interval 5 after I wanted to kill myself for pulling a 1:50 500m. I am pumped that I made the connection in my head associating the damper setting to stroke style.

PM strength

Press 5x5x5x5

135,135,135, 135

Deadlift 5x5x5x5


8 mile bike to cap off a successful diet and exercise day...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

14 July 2009


4 Rds

3 Muscle Ups
6 Clean and Jerk 135#
9 Burpees


50 Extra Burpees

Friday, July 10, 2009

5-10 July 2009

Did a crossfit workout on Monday, took a rest day on Tuesday and headed out to Colorado on Wednesday. It is beauitiful out here! I'm here to run the Leadville marathon tomorrow. Its going to be a challenge. The race starts at 10200ft and climbs to 13200ft. We trained on Wed and Thursday and I felt decent. The climbs take all the gas out of your tank. The lack of oxygen effected my muscles more than it effected my breathing. I've got a lot of good pictures and videos, especially from the climb to machine gun ridge yesterday. That ridge stares at the majority of the 14000+ peaks in Colorado from around 13500ft. I'll have a lot of pictures and videos from the race to come. Planning on doing a handstand tomorrow at Mosquito Pass after a 13.1 mile climb to get to that beast! Good luck to all the Crossfit Games Competitors! Looks like a pretty sweet line up!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4 July 2009 "JASON"

Well bring the 4th in all I wanted to definitely do a HERO WOD, and since I have done all of them but Jason, it was an easy choice. The muscle ups are brutal. The first 3 sets of 5, 10, and 15 weren't bad, and then you hit your final set of 20! It took me almost a minute. I hit muscle failure and missed the last rep twice.


100 Squats
5 Muscle Ups
75 Squats
10 Muscle Ups
50 Squats
15 Muscle Ups
25 Squats
20 Muscle Ups


Friday, July 3, 2009

3 July 2009 "Randy"

Today I did the main site WOD from HQ. I loved it, was my first time doing Randy. I will have to say though, it was not the coolest WOD to do after a day of heavy OHS's!


75 Power Snatch's for time 75#


Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 July 2009 OHS

Today I wanted to see what my 3 rep max was for the Overhead Squat. I was pleased to find out that my 2 rep max was 210#. I had the third almost to the top and lost it. It's time to attack 15 body weight Overhead Squats! Check out the July challenge from Dutch Lowy's page, I'm pumped to give that a shot. Have a great 4th weekend and if anyone is in Charlotte hit me up.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1 July 2009


1 Mile Sprint
25 Thrusters 95#
50 Pull ups
75 Ab mat Sit ups
1 Mile Sprint


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

30 June 2009 Deadlift Burpee


Today was the deadlift burpee workout from the Crossfit Games in 2008. I am going to have to try this one again, I know I got at least sub 3:00 in the tank!

5 Rounds for time:

5 Deadlift 275#
10 Burpees

Time 3:24


4 X 400m Sprints with 1:30 seconds rest

Run 1- 1:07
Run 2- 1:06
Run 3- 1:07
Run 4- 1:08

Monday, June 29, 2009

29 June 2009


75 Push Ups
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) 95#
50 Ring Dips
30 Pull ups with 35# dumbell
35 Hand Stand Push Ups

Completed it in 14:35

Rest % minutes and then 9 minute sprint

I made it approx 1.6 miles. I ran out for 4 min 30 seconds and made it back in 9 min and 02 seconds. Next time I will definitely make it further!!!

**Add one to the record books- After two days of training my buddy, we'll call him Smitty, he's two for two. Two workouts and two meetings with Pukie the Clown!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

28 June 2009


30 Glute Ham Sit ups
30 Back Ext
30 Overhead Squats with 95#
20 Burpee Bax Jumps with 24" box
20 Pull ups
20 Power Snatch with 95#

Completion Time:


Tabata intervals on C2 Rower....

20 seconds work with 10 seconds rest for 8 rounds
-Strive for 100 plus meters for all of your intervals

27 June 2009


5 Rds of with a 25# weight vest of

7 Burpee Pull ups
7 Glute Ham Sit Ups

Completion Time 6:30

With a partner

400m Sprint
100m Firemans Carry (each partner carries and walks)
100m Wheel barrow (each partner drives and wheelbarrow's)
50 Squats
25 Burpees
100m Firemans Carry
100m Wheel barrow
400m sprint

Completion Time


6 Miles for time on mainly flat pavement course

26 June 2009


Thursday, June 25, 2009

25 June 2009

Man it was good to be back in the a.m. classes at Ultimate Crossfit. Those guys and girls rock in the early morning while most of Charlotte is still sleeping. The WODS for today were both designed to be 10 Minute Sprinters and should be scaled so that the work can occur without long drawn out breaks. Constantly moving moderately heavy loads while preforming challenging gymnastic movements.


5 Rds of

6 Floor to Overhead (Clean and Jerk, Push Press, Press) 135#
6 Muscle Ups


Rest 3-5 Minutes

As Many Rounds as Possible as Possible (AMRAP)in 10 Min

7 Power Snatch (95#)
7 Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU)

7 Rounds Complete

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

24 June 2009 "Deadlifts"

Tonight is Deadlift night


5 sets of 5; dam I hate that scheme! I did my first three sets at 325# and after reviewing the video was pretty pleased.

23 June 2009

Anniversary WOD

10 rds of

10 Body weight Deadlift
15 Push Ups
*Your hands cant leave the bar

Time 7:25

Rest 5 minutes

Tabata Intervals on the C2 rower

20 Seconds work: 10 Seconds rest

Monday, June 22, 2009

22 June 2009 "Jackie"

This morning I did some rolling and a really good warm up.

1000m Row
50 Thrusters 45#
30 Pull ups

I completed this workout in 7:24

In the evening I did a little bit of strength work and a 2 mile Time Trail. For the strength work I did Front Squat (FS) and Push Press (PP)

FS 5,5,5,5 - 185#
PP 5,5,5,5 - 155#

2 Mile 12:04

Sunday, June 21, 2009

21 June 2009

Started off my workout going through a good warm up and the mechanics of a dumbell split clean and then realized that I don't even have 40# dumbells. So the workout that I was planning on was "Erin" but since the rx'd weight for the dumbell split cleans in 40#, I had to modify the workout...


Modified "ERIN"
5 Rds of
15 Split Power Clean 95#
21 Pull ups

Time: 11:29

Rest 5 Minutes


2 X 1 mile sprints with 20# weight 2 minutes between intervals

20 June 2009

Took a rest day and worked on a new pull up bar to follow. It is going to be really sweet!

REST for time

Friday, June 19, 2009

19 June 2009

Today was an early day that started at 0300, whatever, it helps keep my body guessing. I am just going to offer no comment on what it does to my recovery, that's for another day when I actually feel like typing. Today although long and hot ended with some good work and a PR for me!

5 rds of
400m Sprint
15 Overhead Squats 95#

I set a goal for myself to be under 15 minutes and my previous PR was 16 something. I completed the WOD in 1325

18 June 2009


Back Squat 5,5,5,5
Press 3,3,3,3,3,3

3 rds of:
30 Box jumps @ 28"
20 Pull ups
50 Abmat sit ups
400m Sprint
* after the final round to top it off with icing on the cake I added 35 burpees.


This workout was tweaked from a buddy's birthday workout. Was a pretty good METCON, the Abmat Sit ups were the slowest part for me. I also realized last night that I am going breakdown and buy a new jump rope....yes, concrete does chew them up and spit them out in two pieces.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

17 June 2009

205# Deadlift
36" Box Jump
Handstand Push ups

Completed in 6:03

1 min on/ 1 min off
1 min on/ 50 sec off
1 min on/ 40 sec off
1 min on/ 30 sec off
1 min on/ 20 sec off
1 min on/ 10 sec off
Run directly to a row machine or continue running
1 min on/ 10 sec off
1 min on/ 20 sec off
1 min on/ 30 sec off
1 min on/ 40 sec off
1 min on/ 50 sec off
1 min on/ DUNSKI

16 June 2009

AC/DC; what I listen too when I crossfit, Love it!

Rest Day, took it easy in the evening, made a bad ass smoothie with some secret ingredients and went to bed early.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

15 June 2009

Today was a Crossfit Endurance Workout and a 5K

CFE WOD-90 second ladder
90 sec sprint- 60 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 45 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 30 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 15 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 30 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 45 sec rest
90 sec sprint- 60 sec rest
90 sec sprint-DONE

I was able to make it over 400m every time. The shortest distance I ran was approx 500m and the longest was approx 650m. I ran the 5K after a 10 minute break. The 5K was across pretty flat ground with 1 baby hill. 5K Time 20:49.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

14 June 2009


4 rds of:
30 Overhead lunge steps with a 45# Plate
15 Thrusters 95#
15 Pull ups
400m Sprint

I completed this one that I coined "Fran Improvement" in 19:42. It is a good Sunday workout that will get your heart pumping pretty good.

Today I was thinking of WODS and in particular the scaling.....with Crossfit, scaling is necessary to accommodate all levels of fitness. When you look at a workout you should first have an idea in your head of the time you can finish it, then decide what you are trying to accomplish from the workout. If the workout is designed to be a sub 10 minute METCON, but the Rx'd weight is 90% of your 1 Rep Max, is this workout going to give you a METCON Response? Make sure you have an idea and understand the purpose of your workouts before you give it a 3,2,1,GO. You can scale weight, reps, or if you have to the exercise. I bring this up because the effect of a Rx'd Fran at 3:30 and an Rx'd Fran at 11:00 is totally different. Am I saying that you should never tackle the Rx'd weight; no I am saying that you should understand and work for a desired response. Never plan for sustained work (day after day) in one energy pathway, vary everything imaginable and improve your weakness's.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

13 June 2009

Two late nights in a row are not the best formula for hard workouts and recovery. Man I am getting ready to take a big fat nap. Today I had to give in to the wicked ways of my buddy Lance. He loves to do Saturday chipper WODS and I would have to say I do not.....well I decided to do this chipper and got it got my legs pumping pretty good. The layout goes like this:

800m Run
25 Sit ups
7 Push Press 155#
500m Row
25 Box Jumps 24"
7 Overhead Squats 135#
500m Row
25 Burpee Pull ups
800m Run
*you also have to complete 4 x 15ft rope climbs and 4 muscle ups....anytime you like*

I finished this WOD in 19:42.

12 June 2008

Friday was a day started on little rest and barking hamstrings. The sprint ladder from yesterday really put it on my legs. The compound effect of 2 a days and not properly resting are evident today.


AMRAP (As many Rounds as possible) in 10 minutes of

7 Push Press 135#
7 Chest to bar Pull ups
7 Back ext. 30#

I completed 8 rds with a constant pace a little slower than my cindy pace. I walked briskly between the exercises and completed all of the sets with out breaks. This workout is designed to make you work at a constant rate with a moderate load. A constant rate to me means no broken sets.

I completed this and felt rather good, so I worked on my squats to finalize my Friday workout. I did 5 warm ups sets and ended with:
3 sets of 5 @ 225#.

Two things to note, first being that I know have a digital camera and will start to upload some pics and videos; secondly that tonight I am hitting up Verizon Wireless for the NIN concert!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

11 June 2009

For the AM WOD I will do something a little different........

5rds of
15 Snatch Grip Deadlift 135#
15 Roll outs (ab wheel)
15 Russian twists with 25# plate
When counting the Russian twists, count every right. 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-etc

Time- 7:36


Endurance WOD that I will tackle on a treadmill. The ladder goes as follows:

3 Rds:
20 sec on:60 sec off

I am going to put the treadmill at 12mph and vary the incline.
After playing out with the treadmill I had access too, I realized that best went to 14mph and decided to try the sprints there. I completed the workout at a speed of 14mph with an incline of 4 percent.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 June 2009

Programming, something that I enjoy playing around with. When setting up my WOD schedule; I review my previous training logs, look at totals/times/weights and then what events I have in the near future (60 days). With this data I then put together a plan for the next four weeks that will address any deficiencies and maintain my high level of general physical preparedness. For the next few weeks I am experimenting with a program that mix matches rest days and incorporates strength WODS, CF WODS, and CFE WODS. The flow goes something like this:

CF- 2 days on 1 day off for the first 2 weeks
3 days on 1 day off/ 2 days on 1 day off for the last 2 weeks
CFE- 3 days on 1 day off
Strength- at least 2 days but never more than 3 days per week separated by at least one day.
*NOTE* I started these WODS on different days so they are never matched on the same day

I have been following this for for about a week now and it is pushing me pretty hard. The recovery time is short and not typically a full day, but it is allowing me to fit the most work in the least amount of time possible. One other important note is that most all of my CF WODS are designed to be sub 12 min and the CFE WODS are never longer that 45 min. I will be interested to see if I can continue to recover from this programming. I'll keep everyone updated. Post your thoughts, ideas, suggestions to the comments section.


45 min Best Effort
(I am going to run this afternoon) I'll post my completed distance this evening.
I dont have an exact distance because I ran a green way route, but the random mileage posts that I was passing put me at about 7:30 minute miles. I ran out 23 Minutes and made it back to my original starting point in 42 minutes and some change. I continued to run for the additional 3 minutes and finished at the planned 45. I felt good, I ran back harder, faster, and just as efficient as I ran out.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

9 June 2009

What makes Crossfit enjoyable, exciting, and down right addicting? I can tell you that I've drank the kool-aid and now have a drug like addiction. In the words of John Wellborne "crossfit is like a cult, a fitness cult." Ever went to a party, lets say with your spouse's co-workers and realized that the majority of people here are just not your type or you just don't have a lot in common with them? My wife and I had this discussion the other night after a party that I went to with her co-workers. Now I am not one to front friendships or pretend that I like you, etc. I hang out with people that I enjoy being around period, life is too short not to. This is funny because when I'm in big crowds I usually have this same feeling. After a casual night I will remember a few people that I enjoyed talking with while the majority of people were just there. I get the exact opposite feeling in a Crossfit facility, get together, gathering. I constantly tell myself, man I'd hang out with almost everyone here. I'd refer to my Crossfit buds as friends and that's not very common for me at all. That to me says something about Crossfit as a fitness regime, it brings together WINNERS and that who I want to surround myself with.


3 rounds of
5 minutes on 3 minutes off running intervals across rolling terrain.

I am going to keep the 5 minutes on faster that my two mile time and use the 3 minute recovery to just keep pushing forward. We'll see how far I make it. I'll post my PM CF WOD in a while, that's all for now


Complete for time
2 rds of
5 Power Cleans 175#
15 Push Ups
2 rds of
5 Power Cleans 155#
15 Push Ups
2 rds of
5 Power Cleans 135#
15 Push Ups
Use the time to strip the weight as rest time, but remember this is completion for time.

MY TIME 6:28

Monday, June 8, 2009

8 June 2008

Today started with a bright and early 415am wake up. Man I love it. More accomplished by 700am than half of the country. Early morning WOD focused on some strength work and wrapped up the morning with some Tabata. Below is the my AM WOD

Overhead Squat

Did the OHS's with 155# and felt really good. I would have gone a little bit heavier but no bumpers and restricted space, I kept my weight a little lower. As for the deads.....I stuck with 275#. Not a challenging weight, but wanted to train realy strict form because a little over a week ago I tweaked my back. Today felt good and strong. I finished up the morning with some Tabata Intervals of push ups, sit ups, and squats. My reps for the 8 sets are as follows:

Push Ups: 22,22,20,18,16,16,15,15
Sit Ups: 16,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
Squats: 19,17,17,16,16,16,16,18

Tonight I am going to attack Heavy Fran and set a new PR. I will edit the post once I complete the workout. It goes like this if anyone would like to try it....I have a few meathead buddies that usually smoke me on this WOD, but I think the tables are about the turn!

135# Thruster
40# Weighted Pull Ups

Completed the above WOD at 5PM and was glad when it was over! I did the weighted pull ups strict with a dumbell and it sucked bad. I am going to have to work on those for sure. Completion time was 11:29 and I'm pretty happy with that.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

7 June 2009

My dog's Jack and Camo waiting patiently on some biscuits

Had a late night last night......definitely ate a lot of chicken wings topped with some ranch dressing, man they were good. I recovered from it with a nice sleep through the morning and some tedious chores around the house. Today its back to the life of a Paleo eater. Today was a short interval day, the layout as follows:

8 Intervals of:
30 second sprint
20 second jog

I warmed up with a 6 mile MTN bike ride down to the video store and some Pose Drills, followed it up with some rolling and light stretching. Have to work some more time in on the bike, decided this weekend to put together at least one -four person team- to do the Odyssey 24hr Adventure Race on the 25th of July. As of now I have 1 person locked in (me). I did the race last year with a buddy and will have to say I had a blast. It has a run, bike, and canoe component with navigation thrown into the entire race. The link below will answer any questions you might have. If you have an interest let me know, my email is listed under my profile.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

6 June 2009

Today I had originally planned on doing 100 burpees and 100 squats for time, but plans changed. I realized that I had access to a rope and haven't climbed in a while so I threw this one together.

For Time:
21 KB Swings (32kg)
3 Rope Assents (15ft rope with no feet)
21 Box Jumps (32" box)
15 KB Swings
3 Rope Assents
15 Box Jumps
9 KB Swings
3 Rope Assents
9 Box Jumps

Completed it in 9:38. The Rope assents were by far the hardest part of the workout for me.

Friday, June 5, 2009

5 June 2009 at Ultimate Crossfit

4 rds of:
10 Overhead Squats 95# (OHS)
15R/15L Sledgehammer swings (pound a tire)

Finished this workout in 6:44.....not a bad workout.
Today, I was back at Ultimate Crossfit and I'll have to say the 6am class killed the workout. They are a class full of hard chargers, getting it done! I am going to have to do the Ultimate Crossfit WOD with the noon class as well???

Well I decided to do the Ultimate Crossfit WOD with the noon class, but gave it a slight MOD:

6 x 250m row intervals

Rest 5 Min/then

4 rds of:
5 Deadlifts 225# (rx'd @ 275, dropped off that extra 50# to baby the back)
5 Push Press 135#
25 Air Squats

Finished around 3:4?......Great quick sprinter METCON!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

June 1 - 4 2009

June 1 -

4pm CFE-20 Min @ 90% RPE scale 16-17
The course was full of hills, even though it is North Carolina, I found two pretty decent ones. I will have to say I was feeling pretty good through this run, until I got home mapped my run and realized I had completed 2.76 miles. I thought that I was feeling a little better than about 7:00 miles.

June 2-

6am CFE-
8 rds of 40sec on / 20 sec off
I did this on a treadmill at 12mph with a 4% incline.

5pm CF- 5 rds of
10 Power Cleans (135#)
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Back Squats (155#)
16:10....the back squats were the hardest part of this WOD, I finished the last two with broken sets of 5.

Had planned on doing some strength work with thruters, but cancelled it after the 5pm WOD. My posterior chain was smoked!

June 3

10am CF- 4 rds of Max Reps with 2 Min recovery times/ hands cant leave the bar for each set
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) 95#
Push Press (PP) 95#
My reps are as follows-
SDHP 20, 20, 16, 17
PP 20, 20, 17, 20
This WOD was all about grip strength and rep turnover. I had power to go more on the SDHP's but I would loose my grip. The weight was light enough to throw all over, but the volume got to me.

4pm CFE- 8x 200m sprints with 90sec Recovery
I ran 200m uphill rested and then 200m back down. The hill was probably about a 2-3% grade for about 75-100m of the sprint. My fastest interval was 32sec and my slowest interval was 36sec. Pretty good short little sprinter.

4 June
Strength Day
Press 5-5-5-5
Front Squat 3-3-3-3
I'll post my loads to the comments portion