Today started with a bright and early 415am wake up. Man I love it. More accomplished by 700am than half of the country. Early morning WOD focused on some strength work and wrapped up the morning with some Tabata. Below is the my AM WOD
Overhead Squat
Did the OHS's with 155# and felt really good. I would have gone a little bit heavier but no bumpers and restricted space, I kept my weight a little lower. As for the deads.....I stuck with 275#. Not a challenging weight, but wanted to train realy strict form because a little over a week ago I tweaked my back. Today felt good and strong. I finished up the morning with some Tabata Intervals of push ups, sit ups, and squats. My reps for the 8 sets are as follows:
Push Ups: 22,22,20,18,16,16,15,15
Sit Ups: 16,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
Squats: 19,17,17,16,16,16,16,18
Tonight I am going to attack Heavy Fran and set a new PR. I will edit the post once I complete the workout. It goes like this if anyone would like to try it....I have a few meathead buddies that usually smoke me on this WOD, but I think the tables are about the turn!
135# Thruster
40# Weighted Pull Ups
Completed the above WOD at 5PM and was glad when it was over! I did the weighted pull ups strict with a dumbell and it sucked bad. I am going to have to work on those for sure. Completion time was 11:29 and I'm pretty happy with that.